Cockroach Id: Brown-Banded vs. German


When you first see a roach scurrying across your floor, your first reaction may be to scream. Rather than raising the alarm and freaking everyone else out in the home, try to take a closer look to see what type of roach infestation you have on your hands. German and Brown-Banded cockroaches are among the most invasive pests around. And even though Combat® baits and gels can eliminate them, you need to know what type of roach is lurking inside of your home.

The Similarities

German and Brown-Banded roaches are very similar in size and appearance. They are both brown and smaller than many other roaches. They are also opportunistic feeders. They will eat any type of food source available, including book bindings, crumbs, toothpaste, and even soap.

Roaches are not very picky about how they gain entry into your home. They can travel on bags, books, clothes, animals, grocery sacks, and boxes. They can also multiply very quickly, going from one to thousands in a relatively short amount of time.

The Differences

German cockroaches are slightly darker than Brown-Banded roaches. They have two black horizontal stripes on their back and prefer to dwell in areas of a home where there is heat and moisture, such as the bathroom or kitchen. They also have wings, which are not used for flying. They prefer to run when in danger instead of flying away. Although they can be brought into a home in bags and on clothes and appliances, they often use sewer pipes and shared plumbing to move between homes and buildings.

Unlike German cockroaches, Brown-Banded roaches have brown/yellowish-colored bands on their wings or bodies. They prefer to live in areas where there is less humidity and warmer temperatures, such as in attics, basements, and near appliance motors. They also prefer to eat food sources that have a high starch content, such as wallpaper, glue, and paper. They are also more active at night, although it is not uncommon to see them in the daytime scavenging for food or a hiding spot.

Combat® for Roach Infestations

If you happen to see one roach, then you need to start protecting your home with Combat® Baits and Gels now. All it takes is for one roach egg to hatch before you’ll have a full-blown cockroach infestation on your hands. Ways to effectively use Combat® Baits and Gels include placing bait stations under sinks, behind toilets, and near appliance motors. Place Combat® Gel in cracks and crevices around the home. Combat® Max 12 Month Bait can be used to achieve maximum roach control for as long as 12 months.

To learn more on how to fight cockroach infestations, take a look at our roach bait and gel products.
