
Most Common Types

There are about 90 species of scorpions found in the United States, but the most common species are the Arizona Hairy Scorpion, the Arizona Bark Scorpion and the Stripe-tailed Scorpion.

What They Look Like

Adult scorpions range in from 2.5-7 inches long. Arizona Hairy Scorpions tend to be yellow in color with small brown hairs covering their body. Bark Scorpions have a lighter brown color. Stripe-tailed Scorpions are also light brown in color, but with brownish stripes on their upper sides.

Where They Live

Scorpions have been located in over 39 states. The majority of the species occur west of the Mississippi.

Where They Nest

Scorpions do not have nests or colonies, but they can be found on the floor, wall, ceiling, drawers, clothing, and many more undesirable areas in the home. Scorpions are hunters and come out at night in search of prey. Shining a UV “black light” flashlight on scorpions makes them glow a bright blue-green – helping you locate them.

Steps to Prevent

Residents in Arizona and nearby cities should seal the bottom of doors to eliminate scorpions from entering the home. Keep boards, rocks and similar hiding places away from home to decrease the numbers of scorpions near your home. Insecticides can help to kill scorpions immediately next to your house, however if you have an active infestation contact a pest control specialist for help.

Are They Harmful?

The venom from a scorpion’s sting can cause pain, burning, itching and swelling. It is very rare for a person to die from a scorpion sting. The most sensitive people to scorpion stings are those who are allergic to the venom, along with the young, elderly, or ill. If you are stung by a scorpion, contact a medical professional.