Carpenter Ant


How to exterminate them

The key to exterminating ants is to kill the entire colony. If you just spray the ants you see, more ants will continue to reappear in search for a source of water and food that they can bring back to share with the queen and other ants in the colony. Combat® products provide the source kill you need and are a guaranteed solution! Use Combat® Source Kill Max Ant Baits in common areas where you see ants and Combat® Ant Killing Gel in cracks and crevices or places where ants might enter the home. Click here to learn more about how Combat® works to kill at the source.

Habits and Habitats

Carpenter Ants are found throughout the U.S. The four common species are found in different regions of the country, but have similar habits and can be controlled using similar techniques. Carpenter Ants are most problematic for homes built in wooded rural areas.

What Do Carpenter Ants Look Like?

Carpenter Ants are large, ranging in size from 1/2 to 1 inch long. They range in color from yellow to black, although the most common species are dark.

Where Do Carpenter Ants Nest?

Carpenter Ants usually nest in wood decayed by moisture or damage by other insects however they do not damage sound wood or eat wood, as their name implies. Hollow, moist wooden structures are prime nesting sites. Colonies usually have a single queen and as a result are smaller and take longer to grow. Mature colonies usually have satellite nests. While the parent nest is usually located outdoors in trees or stacks of fire wood, satellite nests are often located indoors in wall voids or other suitable locations.

What they eat

Carpenter Ants feed mostly on sugary liquids like honeydew from plant-sucking insects such as aphids, scales, and mealybugs and nectar from plants. However, they increase their consumption of protein in the summer and fall when reproduction is greatest. Carpenter Ants are nocturnal and forage for food strictly at night.

Steps to prevent

To protect your home from future infestations, replace damaged structural wood, repair water leaks and make sure ventilation is adequate to keep structural wood in your home dry and sound. Keep your yard free of decaying wood and trim plants back at least 1 foot away from your home. Seal cracks and crevices in exterior walls to keep ants from entering your home.

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